Who We Are
We're cool. Come read about us.

Scott (Slaynn)
I am 42 years old and have been a nerd from the beginning. Way back before it was cool. Does that make me a Hipster-nerd? A Ner-ster? Maybe.
I was an infantryman in the U.S. Army and retired after 21 years in 2018. Now I pretend to know things so people give me money to buy video games.

James (Zoso)
I'm a Sailor, a gamer, and just an all around goofball. I pretend to be mature and responsible....but c'mon, that's not any fun! I love my wife and I love my Corg, and somedays I love one of those more than the other! The Corgi is named Apple and she's quite possibly the most aderpable thing to ever exist!

Chris (Puppymaster)
Like so many others I wear many hats. Brother, friend, soldier, geek, patron saint of mail carriers, and ocassional pro-wrestlling manager.

Justin (Jones)
I am a wannabe filmmaker, and movies are my life. I get anxious and feel physically sick when I’m not working on a project or doing film research. At this point, however, anything I CLAIM to know about movies is based on very little research and personal opinion. I am not an expert nor do I claim to be. I have decided to dedicate many future days of my life to learning how to move from a pretentious know it all that doesn’t know anything about movies, to a pretentious know it all that kinda knows a couple things about movies. Considering that I talk so much crap about poorly written/directed movies, understanding what it takes to make a compelling movie with characters that we care about, and a story that provokes thought, is my primary drive. Hopefully… one day… I will be able to make a film that people could watch and rip apart the way we do to others people’s films.